Friday, February 10, 2012

India and Computers

I was thinking about digital revolution and wondering about the root of Internet Age. Obviously, it is all because of the research in semi-conductors and development of computers and communication. But then the language computers understand internally is just in two numbers - '1' and '0'. It feels good to think that Indians invented one of these two numbers i.e '0' - matter of pride ! No wonder we are # 2 in facebook users (about 46 million user), # 5 in terms of Internet users (100 million) and so on as of Feb 2012 - digital affinity :-)


  1. wow! What facts.. didn't know that !!!

    Glad to have founfd you at Indiblogger. Your newest follower and a regular visitor now.

    1. Thanks Kajal ! My attempt is to provide crisp information about application of technology (primarily in India but cannot afford to miss out the much more active global space :-) so that the members know about past, present and potential future possibilities with technology.

      Your comments would be valuable for one and all.
